For modern medical imaging diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a very high value: Injuries or other changes can be precisely localized and diseases can be detected at an early stage.
By clicking on the different areas in the image, you can obtain more information about the specific areas examined using MRI.
Potential examination areas include, but are not limited to:
- MRI skull
- MRI skull with pituitary gland (hypophysis)
- MRI skull with orbit (eyeball)
- MRI skull with cerebellopontine angle (cerebellopontine angle)
- MRI of the skull and cervical spine
- MRI paranasal sinuses
- MRI of soft tissues of the neck
- MRI cervical spine
- MRI thoracic spine
- MRI lumbar spine
- MRI lumbar spine and ISG (sacroiliac joints)
- MRI cervical and thoracic spine
- MRI thoracic and lumbar spine
- MRI Os coccygis (coccyx)
- MRI sternum (breastbone)
- MRI thorax (chest)
- MRI shoulder
- MRI clavicle (collarbone)
- MRI upper arm
- MRI elbow
- MRI forearm
- MRI wrist
- MRI metacarpus and fingers
- MRI upper abdomen
- MRI lower abdomen
- MRI total abdomen
- MRI hip joints
- MRI thigh
- MRI knee
- MRI lower leg
- MRT Ankle joint
- MRI Achilles tendon
- MRI foot
- MRI angiography of the cerebral arteries
- MRI angiography of the cervical arteries (supraaortic arteries)
- MR angiography of the aorta and visceral arteries (abdominal aorta and visceral arteries)

Dear patients, you can book your desired appointment for an MRI examination at our practice in Frankfurt am Main easily and conveniently online at any time, even outside consultation hours. Benefit from flexible appointment times and book your appointment in just a few seconds.